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Last Updated: Nov 24, 2015     Views: 349


First, don't panic! You can get back to your document in many situations. Most programs will automatically save your document for you. Follow these steps:

If only 1 program is frozen:

1) Try CTRL+ALT+Delete. This should bring up the Task Manager Screen.
2) From the Task Manager Screen, close any other programs that you have open.
3) This may unfreeze your document. If it doesn't, got to the step 4.
4) If steps 1-3 don't work, you'll have to close the program and reopen it. WARNING: THIS COULD RESULT IN PARTIAL OR TOTAL LOSS OF YOUR DOCUMENT.
5) To close a frozen document, right click on its name on the start bar. Then click close.
6) Reopen the program. You should see an option to view "Auto-Recovered/Auto-Saved" documents. If your document is there, click on its name and it will open.

If the computer is completely frozen:

1) Restart the computer by pushing down the power button. WARNING: THIS COULD RESULT IN PARTIAL OR TOTAL LOSS OF YOUR DOCUMENT.
2) Reopen the program. You should see an option to view "Auto-Recovered/Auto-Saved" documents. If your document is there, click on its name and it will open.

If your document doesn't appear in the "Auto-Recovery/Auto-Saved" panel...

1) On a PC, click "Start" and Search. On a Mac, chose "Finder". Enter your document name and click search (Macs will automatically search after you enter the name).
2) If the document has been saved anywhere, it will appear. You can then click on it and open it.

If none of these options work or if you need more help, Information Technology can sometimes assist you with document recovery. You can call them at:

Phone: Rome (Main IT Department) (706) 295-6775


You can also view the video below for interactive help!


Updated November 2015

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