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Last Updated: Aug 25, 2016     Views: 90

Ensuring a pleasant and productive environment for study and research for all users requires that each user of the Libraries follows the Georgia Highlands College Library Conduct Policy and refrain from the following activities listed below:


  • Removing or attempting to remove library materials or property without checking them out or without proper authorization.
  • Consuming food or beverages within the public area of the Libraries.
  • Smoking (or using smokeless tobacco) in the Libraries.
  • Mutilating library materials by marking, underlining, or removing pages or portions of pages; removing binding, or electronic theft detection devices; injuring or defacing library materials or property in any way.
  • Concealing library materials in the Libraries for the exclusive use of an individual or group.
  • Failing to return materials following the expiration of the loan period and/or on request for return of materials by the Libraries.
  • Failing to pay the Libraries the value of lost or damaged materials.
  • Creating a disturbance or behaving in a manner which interferes with normal use of the Libraries (including, but not limited to rowdiness, noise, loitering, and offensive sexual behavior).
  • Harassing library staff or users.
  • Being in an unauthorized area of the Libraries; remaining in the Libraries after closing or when    requested to leave during emergency situations or drills
Persons who commit or attempt to commit offenses enumerated in the Georgia Highlands College Student Handbook, issued by the Office of Student Life, or in the Library Conduct Policy whether a member of the College Community or not, may be asked to leave the site, may be subject to sanctions or expulsion, suspension, prosecution, forfeiture warning, restitution, and may be   accountable to both civil authorities (city, state, or federal) and to Georgia Highlands College.

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